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Our missions

Services / Advice and checking the budget

Mortgage in France is first and foremost a service which is specialized in finding financing solutions that are adapted to international customers’ atypical profiles. We work with a large number of banks (French and foreign retail banks, banks that specialize in wealth management, and private banks) which enable us to match our customers’ specific profiles and needs with credit institutions’ lending criteria.

First contacts are key. They enable the future project to be framed, and financing feasibility or maximum budget to be determined. Initial exchanges also allow different financial schemes to be presented, associated costs and fees to be explained, and details of the various stages from signing the loan agreement to signing the deed of purchase to be provided.

Specialization and experience

  • Improve communication between key individuals

  • Negotiate the best conditions

  • Reduce handling time when processing the loan application

  • Improve chances of success

Introduction and support

A financial broker is often seen as a gateway, enabling a property project in France to be completed successfully. This is all the truer for international customers, whether French or not, with or without property, financial and administrative experience. For this reason, it is important to carefully examine the project prior to any undertaking to a vendor or property developer. This allows best practice to be followed, sometimes even changing the way in which the purchase or financing is structured. It is also a guarantee of longer-term success, after the loan has been put in place.

One of the conditions sine qua non for that success is having the right people. Our knowledge of the property investment market enables us to recommend trusted partners for you: notaries, estate agents, tax advisors, accountants, insurance brokers, foreign exchange providers, wealth managers, financial investment experts, and on occasion local renovation contractors.

Legal Notices

MORTGAGE IN FRANCE is a brand of BC&C, an SAS with a capital of 5000€
BC&C SAS is entered on the Trade Register of Nice under number 822 172 938
MIOBSP is on the Orias register under number 1600503
Legal terms and Data protection policy

Mortgage in France

Registered office

8, avenue des Anglais
06310 Beaulieu-Sur-Mer